As the cohort continues their group assignment to reimagine how the Newport Art Museum’s public spaces work as a unified Arts Campus – the MuSE quest lead the students to two different locations. L&A Landscape Architecture hosted the group in their Newport offices to share the status of their work for the museum, and the second visit was a case study for a successful green space initiative, at Newport’s Queen Anne Square.

First, L&A Landscape Architecture hosted the group in their Newport offices to share the status of their work for the Museum, and to exchange ideas and concepts to improve visitor experience and public access. After learning about the work the architects do for their clients, discussions ensued about concepts for the museum campus.

The assembly engaged in a lively brainstorming of the challenges and benefits of a variety of ideas from the architects MuSE students alike. The young group had plenty of inspired thinking to contribute. They also learned about the Historic District guidelines that are in effect at the museum’s 153 year old Griswold House property.

Marc Lennon of Newport Restoration Foundation met the students at Queen Anne Square and walked them through the park as a case study for a successful green space initiative. Marc started from the top beginning with the model done by park designer, Maya Lin. He retraced the steps from inception to installation and then ended the visit in the utility shed where the robust systems for different park features reside.

Demonstrating the importance of practical application and ongoing monitoring of public green space features was a key takeaway for the cohort. The experience gave students an understanding of how design principles are carried out and ultimately become the fabric of a popular public site.

The cohort keeps their ideas visible in their studio at all times and after each workshop they add to and amend their plans.
One of the products of the MuSE Class of 2018 is a full proposal and model for the campus initiative, which will be exhibited in the EdSpace of the museum’s Griswold House.